Effective Home Treatments for Toothache

Toothaches can cause extreme discomfort and cause disturbances in one’s regular routine. For modest toothache discomfort, you can attempt a few home cures, but for severe or continuous pain, you should consult a dentist. So Here are a few successful Effective Home Treatments for Toothache listed below:

  1. Salt Water Rinse – A salt water rinse is a basic and compelling first-line treatment. Salt water is a natural disinfectant that aids in wound healing and inflammation reduction in the mouth. Mix 1/2 teaspoon salt in one glass of warm water and use it as a mouthwash.
  2. Cold Pack – Using a cold pack can be quite effective by help in numbing the pain and reduce the swelling. Simply wrap ice in a towel and hold it against the sore spot on your cheek for about 15-20 mins.
  3. Garlic – Garlic has antibacterial properties that helps it to eliminate the harmful bacteria and relieve the pain. You can either chew a fresh clove of garlic or you can crush it into a paste to apply to the affected area.
  4. Clove Oil – Eugenol, a natural antibacterial and anesthetic, can be found in clove oil. You can either dab the affected area with a cotton ball containing a small amount of clove oil or place a whole clove on the tooth and gently bite into it.
  5. Pepperment Tea Bag – Peppermint tea has a mild numbing properties that can helps to soothe a toothache. So After steeping a peppermint tea bag, let it cool down and then you can apply it to the affected area for relief.
  6. Hydrogen Peroxide Rinse – Hydrogen peroxide can helps in relieving the pain and inflammation. Mix an equal parts 3% hydrogen peroxide and water, swish the solution in your mouth, and then rinse thoroughly with water. Be careful not to swallow it.
  7. Vanilla Extract – Alcohol in vanilla extract can helps in numbing the pain, and the antioxidant properties of vanilla extract aid in healing. So you can apply a limited quantity of its to a cotton ball and put it on the impacted tooth.
  8. Guava Leaves – Guava leaves have anti-inflammatory and antimicrobial properties. So either you can chew a fresh guava leaves or you can boil them in water to make a mouthwash.

  9. Thyme – Thyme has strong antibacterial and antioxidant properties. So you can mix a few drops of thyme essential oil with water, apply it to a cotton ball, and place it on the affected area. As an alternative, prepare a thyme tea and gargle with it.

  10. Onions – Onions have an antimicrobial properties that can helps in relieving the toothache pain. So cut a piece of onion and place it on the affected tooth, or you can also chew it for a few minutes to release the juice.


To conclude, although home remedies can alleviate toothache discomfort quickly, they are not a long-term solution. You can temporarily feel better by doing simple things like rinsing with salt water, applying a cold compress, or using clove oil. Notwithstanding, they can’t supplant the consideration and skill of a dental specialist. See a doctor if you’re experiencing persistent or severe pain to get to the bottom of the issue. Normal dental visits and great oral cleanliness are critical to keeping your grin sound and agony free.

Here is Few Frequently Asked Questions :

What can cause a toothache?

Toothaches might result from several issues such as cavities, gum disease, tooth decay, an abscess, or a cracked tooth.

Are these home remedies safe for children?

While many home remedies are generally safe for kids, it's wise to check with a pediatric dentist before using them on a child.

Can home remedies cure a toothache permanently?

Home remedies can provide temporary relief, but they do not address the underlying cause of a toothache. A dentist's evaluation is necessary for a permanent solution.

Is it safe to use clove oil for toothache relief?

Yes, clove oil is safe for short-term use, but it should be used sparingly and applied directly to the tooth. Avoid ingesting large amounts.

How often can I use a salt water rinse?

You can use a salt water rinse multiple times each day, particularly after eating, to help reduce inflammation and cleanse the affected area.

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